88 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA that in Western Siberia the fulfilment percentage of the delivery plan had increased since October i, i.e. in less than three weeks, from 40 (or 53) to no less than 83 (or 93). The State had thus won a decisive victory over the starving peasants in their struggle for existence. It is the same result as was obtained in White Russia in December 1932, when the fulfilment of the delivery plan reached 106 per cent, and a large part of the population died of starvation. We have here another proof of the fact that, if Moscow succeeds, as in 1933^ in collecting the grain required for its purposes, this is no proof that the food position as a whole is normal, still less that it has improved. On the contrary, the prosecution of the "unprecedented military offensive" against the population of the agricultural districts, and the employment of the most extreme terroristic measures, even the execution of Soviet officials, only proves- that the requisite amount could be collected in 1934 only with the greatest difficulties and with the heaviest sacrifices on the part of the agricultural population. It further confirms the statements of eyewitnesses that a large part of this population had been deprived of the minimum supplies of grain necessary to support life even before the end of 1934. Let us turn now to the position in the Ukraine, the Volga district and other important agricultural regions. I mentioned above the misleading Moscow report, published in the summer of 1934, that the harvest would reach 89,000,000 tons. What are the actual facts? The official Moscow figures do not permit of an answer, because the Government publishes no authentic figures for the harvest.1 But we know that as late as September the delivery quotas for some of the most important districts, e.g. the Volga district, Western Siberia, the Southern Ukraine, etc., were most unsatisfactory and suddenly shot up only when a "firm hand" was employed for collecting the grain. We know further from Postyschev's and Kossior's evidence, as well as from an official Kiev report on the "preliminary" agricultural 1 The real nature of the Soviet statistics is dealt with in detail elsewhere.