;i6 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA Postyschev as an "intrigue" in the interests of foreign capits md to the counter-revolutionary activities of emigres. But most significant of all are Postyschev's remarks o: Skrypnik's own department, the Commissariat for Educatior md the whole system of education in the Ukraine. "For years, tie says, "the representatives of all kinds of Ukrainian countei revolutionary tendencies held numerous posts in this depari nxent." According to him all that they did was "to bring aboi by propaganda a breach between the Ukrainian peasants an workers and the workers of other nationalities, especially tt workers of Russian nationality employed in the collecti\ farms"—a most striking admission of the dimensions attained by the movement of protest and resistance in the Ukraine. It ought, by the way, to be clear that the growing antagonism in the Ukraine to Great Russian Communist workers imported from outside was, with men dying in multitudes, an inevitable and uncontrollable phenomenon. "All these elements," Posty- schev continued, "attempted at the same time to promote disaffection against the Soviet power among teachers, students and others." These words of the dictator reveal the position in the Ukraine in a vivid light. So the widest circles of the Ukrainian intelli- gentsia had entered the struggle; teachers, students, Soviet officials, all thought it their duty to protest against a further sucking dry of the country. Future historians will have to admit that in its campaign against the Ukrainians, during the spring and summer of 1933^ the Soviet regime was faced by a united people, a solid front, including everyone, from the highest Soviet officials down to the poorest peasant. (In view of these facts it is surely grotesque that M. Herriot and others should have adopted the Moscow catch-phrase about the whole of the trouble being due to separatist'machinations instigated by foreign influences. It seems to be the fact that this national movement of protest was headed by the All-Ukrainian Academy of Science^ where, according to Postyschev, "a considerable number of