iiS HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA ment" and to build up "a Ukrainian Soviet culture" under Bolshevist guidance. Postyschev had not only a negative aim—- to destroy the old nationalist movement^ which included the elimination of the Skrypnik group; he had also a positive ambition—to build up a Ukrainian Soviet culture by new methods. He has stated precisely what he means by this3 and I shall deal with this matter later. According to Postyschev the national-cultural ambitions of a people are incompatible with the ideal of the Communist International. He is apparently not aware that this admission removes at one blow all foundation for his charge that the machinations of foreign counter-revolutionaries are the cause of the protest movement in the Ukraine. In discussing Skryp- nik's sins, he says: " Skrypnik has shown clearly that any attempt by a Communist to harmonize proletarian internationalism with nationalism must lead him into the camp of nationalist counter-revolutionaries." In other words, Postyschev admits that his campaign in the Ukraine is intended to prevent the recurrence of attempts to bring nationalist aspirations into harmony with proletarian internationalism, as Skrypnik sought to do on grounds of the deepest conviction. His declaration further implies that any movement intended to foster the national individuality of the Ukraine, its art and literature, will henceforth meet with the most rigorous repression, since in his view all compromises lead only to separatism and counter- revolution. An exhaustive description of all the steps taken by Moscow during its fight against the Ukrainian population would lead us too far. It is not my task to describe this struggle. I must confine myself to the description of those steps which were particularly far-reaching and of direct bearing on the subject under discussion. The most important of these was the purging of the Communist Party of all unreliable elements. This purge was carried out all over the Soviet Union; but it had quite a special object in the Ukraine, White Russia and other districts