120 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA In this connection the purge of the party centre of the All- Ukrainian Academy of Science at Kiev offers an instructive example. This, the most important Ukrainian institute, was to have been converted into a bulwark of national-bourgeois "science." All the sworn apologists of Nationalism (there follows a long list of names) had wormed their way into the party and tried to sabotage Socialist reconstruction by falsifying or misinterpreting the theory of Marx and Lenin. Certain Communist leaders, selected by the party to supervise the work of the Academy, succumbed to the insidious work of the Nationalists, who, supported by the reactionary elements within the Academy, were working eagerly to hamper or destroy the work of loyal and zealous members. Equally instructive evidence of the sabotage due to hostile elements possessing the party card was furnished by the purge in the Wynitsa district. The extent of the purge in the Ukraine appears from a second statement in the same issue of the Communist. "In four districts in the Ukraine, the Donetz, Kiev, Odessa and Wynitsa, the purge of the party organizations is in progress. The first results prove the political importance of this measure, whose sole object is to increase and secure the fighting capacity of the party. It is the object of the Ukrainian Party organization not only to strengthen the party machinery, but also to make an end of the eternal lagging behind of the Ukraine in the sphere of agriculture." The purge continued until late autumn, and on October 25 it was reported from Kiev that the Govern- ment had published the names of certain high officials of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Zaslavsky, Karatchevsky and Rybak, who had had the courage openly to protest against the ruinous system of taxes (deliveries in kind) employed against their countrymen. They were immediately relieved of their posts and accused of Trotskyism and counter-revolution. Numbers of other officials had to follow them. Always the same! Whether in White Russia, the Ukraiae or