122 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA agricultural policy. "This period" (i.e. that of collectivization), he stated, "was characterized by an immediate intensification of the nationalist counter-revolutionary activity.53 The famine, which was now reaching its climax in the death of millions of persons, had brought even the most loyal Ukrainian Communists to revolt against Moscow and Posty- schev. Skrypnik was still alive and was in a position to make a last stand. Indeed, Moscow and Postyschev were fully aware that the victory was still incomplete so long as Skrypnik held his post at the head of the devoted Ukrainians. The clash between Postyschev and Skrypnik^ the hand-to- hand fight, took place on June 10, 1933, the day °n which the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukraine met at Kharkov. For the last time the proconsul from Moscow, backed by the entire power of the Soviet Union, and the champion of the Ukrainian people, who on this occasion was appearing in this capacity and not as the exponent of Com- munist ideas, stood face to face. But the issue was already decided. Postyschev had the task of publicly denouncing Skrypnik as an enemy of the State and as the cause of every difficulty, in order to justify his expulsion. Skrypnik's mission was to express, however vainly, the protest of the Ukrainians against the ruin of their land, the death of their countrymen and the suppression of every cultural movement in the Ukraine. He was the first to speak. The text of his speech has not been published and is not likely to be. But Postyschev's reply has been reported in the Soviet press and affords a clue to Skrypnik's arguments. He seems above all to have denied the assertion that disaffected Ukrainian Communists were acting as enemies of the State and tools of anti-Soviet movements, and to have urged that the new situation brought about by the methods of force and exploitation employed against the people could only lead to protests against the policy of Moscow on the part of those intellectuals and Communists now being charged with nationalism. He further showed that the chief reason for the