126 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA an open letter published in Pravda> in which officials despatched to the Turcoman region complained bitterly that they nowhere obtained the salaries due to them, and nowhere work; people told them to their faces: "We did not ask for you, we have our own candidates for these posts." In the long run, however, resistance is unavailing; and the Moscow emissaries penetrate everywhere. For White Russia the deputy to the Moscow Party Congress, Gikalo, is perhaps the best source of information. According to him, "the fight for the correct prosecution of Lenin's policy in dealing with the nationalities as carried on in White Russia does not differ from that in the Ukraine." Here again the alleged "machinations of noxious elements" have to be checkmated. Gikalo praises the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party adopted in December 1932; a resolution which for White Russia, too, initiated a change in Moscow's policy towards the local population. He pointed particularly to the fact that the resolution contained valuable information about the "alleged national flag behind which certain counter-revo- lutionary elements and their counter-revolutionary activities were hiding." In the capital, Minsk, a complete reorganiza- tion of the Academy of Science and of other institutions, in other words an elimination of every endeavour to preserve national individualism, was carried out, and nationalist elements were expelled from the Communist Party and the Soviet institutions. According to Gikalo, "as late as 1933, while the activity of the party organization was considerable, and the number of workers was large, counter-revolutionary elements succeeded in finding a way into the Soviet administration and even into the party organization." According to him, the fault is due to a diminishing "Bolshevik watchfulness in the face of nationalist counter-revolutionary elements" and to "national- istic errors" which were suffered to exist within the local party organizations—the familiar catchword. Any manifestation of White Russian individualism is declared to be inadmissible.