THE STRUGGLE OF THE NATIONALITIES i/ What is the meaning of Moscow's programme as set 01 Dy Postyschev? It means that Moscow has definitively adopts lie new course with regard to the nationalities and has abai doned the "rotten compromise" of the first period of Russk nationalism. The attempt to enforce the sociological ideob| of Lenin while feigning recognition for national individuali has been given up, and a policy has been adopted which mu inevitably be accompanied by far-reaching consequences. T] new programme means war to the knife on all the nation movements, whether among the Ukrainians, the White Russiar the Caucasian peoples, the Germans, the Finns or the Je\* Whether the struggle is carried through with the whip or wi the velvet glove is simply a matter of expediency.1 But this decisive change in the Kremlin's policy towards t nationalities has yet another cause. The autonomous Sovi republics and districts which were set up along the fronti from Finland to the Black Sea for propaganda purposes ha proved a disappointment. The correspondent of the Kolnisc Zeitung, who has lived for many years in Moscow, has dubb these the "Irredenta Republics," whose propagandist val he states to have been disappointing. Instead of appealing the peoples and nationalities across the frontier, these pseud national regions along the western fringe of the Soviet Uni have turned into centrifugal factors—a severe disappointmc for Stalin, who, as Commissary for the Nationalities unc Lenin, played a leading part in their formation. It is a matter of course that in these circumstances t 1 Later utterances of Postyschev*s indicate that he is encountering seri difficulties in carrying through his policy in the Ukraine. The Wisty of K (March 69 1935) reports bi™ as saying in a speech before the party cc mittee that cultural life in the Ukraine must be "UfcramianiTied" in orde take the wind out of the sails of the Ukrainian nationalists and separati who had won over the masses by declaring that Moscow was Russifying Ukrainian Soviet Republic. In another speech (frceoda> June 1935) he appeals to the Ckromui writers of the Ukraine to join in spreading abroad accounts of the aehk ments of the Communist State. K