154 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA forests with his own horses, and that twice the old number of woodcutters and three times the number of horses were to be mobilized. "The daily standard work of each cutter/' the decree says, "must amount to double the number of trunks cut down, and each horse must yield a maximum of transport labour. This can only be done if every woodcutter does his duty from early morning till late at night; if every moment during the day is spent wholly and entirely in work." But what is most characteristic in this decree is the statement that the "first duly" of every peasant and worker in the north was to "fight" for the fulfilment of the export programme, so that non-fulfilment of this duty and evasion of the obligation to cut wood would be considered "direct sabotage." The penalty for such "treachery" would be, for collective farm peasants, banishment from the collective farm; as for individual peasants, the local Soviet was to take immediate steps to make them feel the consequences of their action. Members of Communist organizations detailed for work in the forests were instructed to keep a sharp look-out for the machinations of class enemies and counter revolutionaries— for if "treachery" occurred it must be due to these. What did this mean? Malcolm Muggeridge, from whose account in the Manchester Guardian I have taken these details, rightly points out that the entire population of a district has been condemned to forced labour, under threat of being treated as class enemies in case of inadequate compliance. The degree of compulsion applied in collecting grain from the peasantry in the agricultural districts has been described elsewhere. Here I would merely refer to a particularly charac- teristic measure. This is the order prohibiting the peasants from leaving the collective farms. They are thus deprived of their liberty of movement—in other words, tied down to the collective farms. And yet this decree was issued IB the name of an idea and in order to realize the ideal of harmony between men and