MOSCOW'S ATTITUDE 163 On the same page is a report on conditions in another bourgeois country in the shape of an account of the trial of fifty-six Communists at Lutsk (Polish Volhynia), who are alleged to have been beaten and otherwise maltreated. The leading article, entitled "Vienna, Paris and London," contains the following significant passages: "Despite the different conditions prevailing in Austria, France and England, there is a close connection between the revolutionary events in these three countries. The widest proletarian masses are in ferment there; the idea of revolt is ripening in their consciousness. Recent events (the demonstrations by the unemployed in London) have shown that the masses regard with distrust the agitation of the Labour Party and are commencing to adopt the platform of the revolutionary struggle. The Communist Party in England is not very numerous; still it numbers some hundreds of thousands and is setting itself the task of exerting an organized influence. In England, too, the proletarian struggle is beginning to grow." The celebrations in commemoration of the fifteenth anni- versary of the Komintern in March 1934 showed the aims pursued by Stalin and the Third International in supporting and organizing revolutionary movements abroad. At that time the Soviet press published an article by M. Sorkis, bearing the significant heading "Laws of History and Laws of Artillery," and having the underlying idea that the masses everywhere in the world can follow one path only, that of bloody and resolute fighting, of revolutionary assault, of battle on behalf of the Soviet power. According to Sorkis this fight should be directed equally against "Social Democrats and opportunists within our own ranks"; for this fight against opportunism is like that between proletariat and bourgeoisie—a necessary stage in the development of the bourgeois State. Hence the task is everywhere "uncompromisingly and consistently** to prepare the outbreak of revolution. Now what guarantee does Sorkis imagine to exist for the