PROPAGANDA METHODS 199 political relations with the Western Powers. In such a case the Communist papers abroad proceed to action. For example, the Russian press has for years observed complete silence on the question of the attitude of the outer world to foreign aid in the matter of the famine. The obvious reason is that the population of the agricultural districts, who cannot well be told that there is no famine, must not be allowed to learn that endeavours to help them are being made abroad, or, indeed, that the outer world is aware of their plight. It is intended that the population shall believe that the outer world takes no interest whatever in their unhappy situation. Here again the organs controlled by Moscow have to take the field— for example, against members of the international relief organization—by methods of controversy, denunciation and innuendo. This printed propaganda makes use of pamphlets and agency reports as well as of newspapers. But it is oral propaganda which continues to be the chief and growing instrument of Moscow's activity. The work is done by spokesmen who may be Communists proper or else pacifists, anti-Fascists, etc. Since the West has recognized Soviet Russia, and the latter State has established friendly relations with a number of countries, new possibilities have opened for Moscow's propaganda. As an instance I may quote the campaign carried on by the German Communist, Willi Munzenberg, with a number of other Communists of different nationalities, in the summer of 1934 in the United States. With the slogan "For Peace and against Fascism"—a slogan which in itself has nothing to do with Communism—Miinzenberg and his friends succeeded in holding mass meeting in all the cities of North America; and the camouflage was so successful that these activities were supported by numerous bourgeois people and papers. Munzeabergfs speeches, however, did not so much deal with the advertised subject—the dangers of Fascism—as with the praise of Communism and with an explanation of how a Communist revolution might be brought