200 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA about in the quickest way. Miinzenberg's activities show how successfully Moscow's emissaries can camouflage themselves by substituting the "fight for Peace and against Fascism" for the struggle on behalf of the Bolshevist world revolution. But it also shows how easy it is for Moscow and its emissaries to deal with non-Communist circles and how slight is these circles' power of resistance. This kind of oral propaganda is not confined to Moscow's official spokesmen. The Kremlin has also succeeded in enrolling numerous auxiliaries who have succumbed to the fascination of Communist ideals. It is specially skilful in exploiting for its oral propaganda a number of personal interests. Thus the Kremlin has for years been spreading Communist principles in various professional bodies, under the cloak of an appeal to common professional interests. For example, Moscow has been trying to induce certain professional groups in Russia to attempt to exert propagandist influence on their colleagues abroad. In March 1934 Izvestia reported the fiftieth anniversary of the all-Russian theatrical union. It pointed out that this was the oldest Russian union of "stage-masters" and communicated to theatrical workers a resolution of the union in which the following declaration was addressed to their colleagues all over the world: "The seventeenth Communist Congress has worked out a concrete plan to prevent the exploitation of men by men and to bring about the final dissolution of the remnants of capitalism in economics and in human consciousness. . * . All lovers of art are asked to watch the proletarian revolution and to join their voices to that of the Communist party in their country in order to support the latter's propaganda on behalf of the Soviet power and of the revolutionary overcoming of the crisis." e*We know," the appeal concludes, "that the way to a rich and happy life is barred to-day by the ruins of the old world which has been blown sky-high." The comrades all over the world are then promised support in their fight. The passage