2io HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA German programme from Moscow, if only from a feeling of curiosity. The wireless enables Moscow to enlighten the bourgeois world on the Soviet achievements and revolutionary innovations, e.g. in the matter of marriage, sexual ethics, classlessness, etc. In the wireless propaganda service the Soviet regime undoubtedly has one of its most effective methods of creating the impression in the widest circles abroad that the Soviet Union., despite all difficulties, is approaching the ideal of the classless state. The more friendly are its relations with the Western states, the more effectively the Government is in a position to exploit another instrument of its propaganda—namely, the cinema. There is hardly another instrument so suitable for giving the inhabitants of the bourgeois states an idealized picture of developments and conditions in Russia. Here the leading artists of the Soviet Union are able to use their talents to convince the outer world of the idealism and the achievements of the State. Thanks to their masterly technique, and the great ability of the producers and actors, some of these films have made their way all over the world. Here, too3 the two fundamental tendencies of Russian propaganda can be clearly traced: on the one hand the great achievements of Russia are described; on the other, the sub- human conditions in the bourgeois states are depicted. This latter tendency does not find full expression to-day owing to the desirability of cultivating good relations with the bourgeois world. The sound film called Sailors of the King* announced some time ago, which was supposed to show the wretched conditions under which the men of the Royal Navy had to live and work (the film was planned to show a mutiny in a vessel of the Navy), has apparently not been completed, or at any rate has not been shown abroad. The Russian standard film, the Chelyuskin^ confines itself to comparing, quite en passant^ a failure of the American aircraft industry with the remarkable achievements of Russian aircraft construction. It