THE TESTIMONY OF MONSIEUR HERRIOT 227 But what did the es Prime Minister and skilled admini- strator do? The report published in Prazda on September 27 is so characteristic of the activities of M. Herriot and his suite, and throws so much light on the private journeys of European statesmen in their search for the truth in distant parts, that I quote it at length. "This morning M. Herriot arrived at Kiev, accompanied by his secretary Serlen, and the deputies Julien and Marcel Ray, former chefs de cabinet of the ex Prime Minister. M. Alfan, the French Ambassador, also arrived. They were accompanied by Helfand;1 the deputy president of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, Velitchko; the representative of the Petit Pansier^ Lucien; the special correspondent of Izvestia, Gari; and the special correspondent of the Tass agency. At the station the guests were met by the president of the regional Ispolkom, Vassilenko, the deputy president of the Gorsoviet [municipal soviet]^ the agent of the Narkomindel [foreign Commissariat], Shenshev, and representatives of the Moscow and the local press. After an exchange of greetings M. Herriot and his companions proceeded to their hotel, and after a brief rest went on to the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences." This was the second grand deception. After the achievements of Ukrainian agriculture, the visitors are now presented* in accordance with Moscow's plan, with evidence of the care devoted to Ukrainian culture and science. The report says: