. THE TESTIMONY OF MONSIEUR HERRIOT 245 world. The French journalists who accompanied M. Herriot and took part in the proceedings rendered valuable auxiliary service, some intentionally, others unintentionally. Meanwhile the Moscow papers had an opportunity of receiving telegraphic accounts from their Paris correspondents quoting the reports in the Temps, the Petit Parisien and the rest. The second stage was reached with the arrival at Moscow. The problem now was to obtain not brief declarations on various aspects of Soviet life but a general judgment on the position, achievements, political aims and philosophic founda- tions of the Soviet Union. Accordingly a press reception was arranged, at which the well-primed journalists approached M. Herriot with leading questions. The plan was completely successful, and thanks to the interesting impressions obtained at Moscow, M. Herriot was ready to offer such sweeping opinions that the Soviet press was in a position on the same day to publish his final verdict, which was forthwith despatched to France and throughout the rest of the bourgeois world. How favourable the verdict was appears from the following extracts. Asked by a representative of the Sodalisticheskoe Zemkdelie to offer his opinion on the question of collectivization and of agricultural mechanization, M. Herriot replied that he could bear witness to the vast technical progress made by Russian agriculture. (He also had to admit, however, that he had visited only one Soviet farm and two collective farms.) He was next asked by a foreign journalist whether the Russian standard of living had improved or deteriorated since his first visit in 1922 (a question expressly referring not to the standard of living of privileged circles but to that of the entire population) and unhesitatingly replied that the standard of living of the Soviet population had improved out of all knowledge since 1922 (Izvestia, September 5, 1933). Only when asked how the Russian standard of living compared with that in other countries did he evade the question by remarking that com- parisons with the standard of living in states having a different