250 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA more valuable than ever to the Soviet officials, and that it was now made a special task to provide information of every kind for his forthcoming book. Statistics on the increase of the crops, the vast growth of population, the huge sums invested, and every other point of interest were provided. The heads of the Soviet State were industrious in furnishing explanations on every point not perfectly clear. The way in which this was done was mentioned above when dealing with Kalinin's statements about the reasons for the milk shortage noticeable in Russia. Nor were simple and plausible explanations wanting for the lack of petrol in the towns, or the situation in the Ukraine. On his return to Paris M. Herriot set forth his views in a large number of articles, delivered lectures and made speeches at banquets, all in the sense which his Moscow utterances had made it easy to foresee; so that, quite apart from his book, his work must have been entirely to the satisfaction of Moscow. The only point on which the Kremlin miscalculated was the echo provided by the French press to Herriot's journey. Even before his arrival in Paris a controversy arose in the press over the part which he had played as propagandist of the Soviet Union. He was attacked by important papers like the Matin, Journal des Debats, Candide and, in French Switzerland, by the Journal de Geneve. The Matin quoted a passage from the Dictionnaire de la Conversation, referring to Catherine IFs journey with Potemkin as her guide, and the Journal des Debats suggested in a leading article that M. Herriot "merely shrugged his shoulders" when facts were quoted against him, **He shrugs his shoulders if people speak of the famine in the Ukraine; but he is in ecstasies when he had a chance of looking at the second greatest industrial undertaking in the world."1 The same paper made fun of his standing phrase to the effect that the French people wanted peace, and insinuated that it was irrelevant to the question of the Russian famine. 1 September 19,1933.