282 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA forgotten whose name is held in great esteem and mentioned with gratitude by numbers of political prisoners in Russia: Maxim Gorki's first wife, Madame Peshkova. As president of the Political Red Cross, which specialized in assisting this category of prisoners, Madame Peshkova did wonders. She visited all the important prisons of Moscow almost daily, maintaining direct contact with the prisoners. But the assistance that could be given in this way was, as will be understood, very limited; the numbers saved were insignificant compared with those of political opponents or simply of non-Communist elements exterminated throughout Russia during this period. The victims of this category were particularly numerous in the years between the Revolution and the beginnings of N E p in 1921. There followed a period of improvement, until a new climax was reached during Stalin's first five-year plan. The chief victims now were the so-called kulaks^ i.e. not persons politically suspect, but all peasants who had any property, who were attached to the soil, their family and their religion and who were consequently reluctant to accept collectivization. Thou- sands of these were condemned to forced labour in the forests of the north, in Siberia and elsewhere. The only difference was that during the first, or "pre-Nep" period, most of these "enemies of the State" perished in prison, whereas the victims of the second period, that of Stalin's five-year plan, were not put in prison, but became "invisible" in the forests of the north and Siberia. Moscow's policy in dealing with its enemies at home has thus undergone a complete change: the prisoners are not allowed to die unproductively in prison, but are deported to the forests of the north and east, where a maximum of labour on a minimum of food, for the purposes of the dumping policy, is wrung from them before they die. In the case of victims belonging to nationalities whose main branches are outside Russia, the countries in question have felt unable to intervene effectively on their behalf: any representations made were met by the reply that the persons in question were "enemies of the