296 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA Geneva to appeal to the League Council and its president. The Russians did likewise. The question now was whether among the statesmen at Geneva one would be found who, ignoring all the narrower political considerations, would be ready to call the attention of the League of Nations to the fact that millions of innocent people were starving in the middle of the continent of Europe, while at the same time large supplies of food were available or had even been destroyed in the regions possessing surpluses. Would there be a statesman with the courage to put before the League the question of organizing relief in the Soviet Union, a man round whom the others could group themselves in the fight for the most elementary human solidarity and against the domination of selfish interests? Such a man there was in the person of Dr. Mowinckel. The successor of Fritjof Nansen as Norwegian representative in the League Assembly, Dr. Mowinckel was fully conscious of the great tradition his people had to maintain. The authentic documents submitted to him left him in no doubt as to the terrible situation of the people in the Soviet Union; and this decided him. It may be presumed that he was also influenced by the fact that the people especially affected by the fearful calamity was one which was not represented at Geneva and had there no defender of its rights and interests. Dr. Mowinckel entered the lists courageously and unselfishly against short- sighted state interests and misconceived political considerations. All the initiated followed this move of Dr. Mowinckel, his championship of the relief action which the most elementary humanity dictated, with the keenest expectation. But what followed will stand on record as characteristic of the difficulties which hamper the League of Nations, and above all as proof that current political interests are predominant there. It would take us too far to describe in detail how, when the president of the League Council proposed that this body should take up the question of relief for the starving in Russia, all