244 HUMANITY MADE TO ORDER for leadership and rule over its subjects was based on the same assertions. It used to be a favorite expression of the Romanoffs that "the Russian peasant and worker need the whip." But the Rus- sian people, who were the last in European coun- tries to be freed from serfdom (about 1860), and who, after being freed, were still kept in a state of semi-slavery by low wages, who were abused, ruled, exploited and ill-treated by the Czarist regime (and are now also driven under Stalin's dictatorship), were able to create and contribute to the world some of the greatest productions in art, literature, music and science. There is little difference in origin between this attitude toward the Russian people, Hitler's doc- trine of Aryan superiority, and Mussolini's theory of the supremacy of the Italian people due to their Roman origin. The dictator's dogma of the supremacy or inferiority of one group or race or nation is in each case only a fantasy created be- cause it is suitable to his own demagogic plans and ambitions. Just as the friends of Stalin neatly label the Rus- sians as Slavic, lazy, slovenly, and given to inertia, Hitler, in his book Mein Kampf, labels the Aryan race, and specifically the German people, the salt of