over against us, that may properly onif be addressed, not expressed. * Men -wish to regard a feeling (called feeling of de- pendence, and recently, more < precisely, creaturely feeling) as the real element in the relation with God. In proportion as the isolation and definition of this element is accurate, its unbalanced emphasis only makes the character of complete relation the more misunderstood* What has already been said of love is even more unshakably valid here. Feelings are a mere accom- paniment to the metaphysical and metapsychical fact of the relation, which is fulfilled not in the soul but between I and Tkou. A feeling may be considered ever so essential, it remains nevertheless subject to the dynamic of the soul, where one feeling is outstripped, outdone, and abolished by another. In distinction from relation a feeling has its place in a scale. But above all, every feeling has its place within a polar tension, obtaining its colour and significance not from itself alone, but also from the opposite pole: every feeling is conditioned by its opposite. Thus the absolute relation (which gathers up into reality all those that are relative, and is no more a part, as these are, but is the whole that completes and unifies them all), in being reduced to the status of ail isolated and limited feeling, is made into a relative psychological matter. If the soul is the starting-point of our consideration, complete relation can be understood only in a bipolar way, only as the coinci