NOTES 183 weak, and his articulation indistinct; the stories are well known of his practising speaking with pebbles in his mouth. „ 15. If a thing is good it may be repeated: Landor himself frequently repeated sentiments in words 'not exactly the same* ; but in his case it seems to be due to the fact that he immediately forgot anything that he had written. 21. fifty-six commencements for his future speeches: these exordia are extant. 31. choruses of the Furies: Phocion so calls them because of the violence of Demosthenes' invective against Philip. For the Furies see note to p, 30. 26. PAGE 52. 7. when I went into the Peloponnese: in the spring of 347 Aeschines, not yet in the pay of Philip, visited various Peloponnesian cities as an envoy from Athens, with the purpose of rousing the people against Macedon. The mission, however, was of little avail. 9. where I beheld the youths of Olynthus: after Philip took Olynthus he sold most of the inhabitants into slavery. It was these slaves that Aeschines met whilst returning from Arcadia ; he was deeply affected by the sight. 13. the temple of Agraulos: on the Acropolis. Aglauros (the more correct form of the name) was a maiden who sacrificed herself for Athens in time of war. In her temple the Athenian youths (Ephebi) took a solemn oath of loyalty and courage. 23. pioneer: a soldier who clears the way before an army—especially sappers and miners. 24. Thucydides: the Athenian historian of the Peloponnesian "War, one of the greatest historians of all time (471-396?). 31. the Macedonian phalanx: the phalanx, a compact mass oi infantry, was the usual formation of early Greek armies ; it was, however, greatly improved as time went on, especially by Epaminondas, and brought to perfection by Philip. 31. 32. the sacred band of Thebes: a body of 300 picked troops, which till the battle of Chaeronea remained invincible ; but at this battle they were killed to a man. PAGE 53. 6. demon: in its Greek sense of 'divinity*—much like the Latin sense of- 'genius*—such daimones were either 'beneficent 01 malignant*. 20. Munychia: a suburb of Athens, where were a fortress and harbour Though so near Athens it was actually outside the city. * ADMIRAL BLAKE AND HUMPHREY BLAKE Robert Blake, the famous English admiral, was born in 1599 am died in 1657. This Conversation is based on a story given by