x CONTENTS Page CHAPTER XXXVII. THE PILGRIMAGE TO AMARNATH......... 351 (i) The scuffle over Ramdas (ii) Ramdas rapt in the vision (iii) A woman in distress—Amamath Cave „ XXXVIII. SRINAGAR ......... 363 (i) Ramdas defies Ram (ii) Behold God's majesty in all things (iii) Illumination in the Cave „ XXXIX. SRINAGAR-RAWALPINDI AMRITSAR ......... 374 (i) A perilous venture (ii) God's will be done (iii) Association makes character XL. AMRITSAR-CHHATTARPUR ... 334 (i) The Golden Temple of the Sikhs (ii) The secret of Ramnarn XLL LIMBDI............ 389 (i) "Ramdas wants your mind" (ii) What fools them—an explanation XLIL UNA-BOMBAY,.. ... ... 397 (i) The dose of poison (ii) God does everything for the best (iii) The dance on the head of Shiva XLIII. ERNAKULAM-KASARAGOD- ANGAR-SHOLAPUR ... 408 (i) The Miracles (ii) A straight hit (iii) A mother sees a vision (iv) Ananda shram XLIV. KASARAGOD ......... 422