CHAPTEK III KUDLU-KADRI HILL (i) Pranayama Kudln is a countryside two miles to the north of Kasaragod. Ramdas was lodged in a tiled house of three rooms on the slope of a valley, above which was an extensive uninhabited plateau, green with verdure and shrubs. At the foot of the house was a shallow excavation, from one side of which was flowing down a narrow jet of pure sparkling water, supplied by a hidden spring. Majestic silence reigned over the valley. It was a fit abode for undisturbed meditation. God willed that Ramdas should live in such a place. In right earnest Eamdas started the practice of pranayama. For long hours he would sit up for the exercise. He became in regard to food highly eccentric. The supplies came from Anandrao who was visiting him every morning to look after his needs. His pure love made him bear with remarkable patience Ramdas1 innumerable freaks and fancies in the matter of diet. He changed his diet from day to day from one thing to another, and at last, went for some days on mere water-fast. Then he would again revert to the usual meals. These experiments in diet coupled with incessant practice of pranayama reduced his body and gradually weakened it. The mind lapsed into a state of perfect listlessness and torpor. It seemed to have descended into the very depths of inexpressible stillness and silence. On and on the practice continued. The utterance of the mantram stopped entirely. All the hours of the day and night were devoted, almost without break, for control of breath. At times due to over-exhaustion he would drop down an emaciated and limp figure. The raja yogi who initiated him came on a visit. He watched the keen struggle