CHAPTER Til PA^DEARPUR-SHETPHAL (i) Dependence on God is Liberation Eventually they reached Pandiarpnr, the famous shrine of the deity—Vithoba. This was Ramdas' second visit to Pandharpur. They entered the city -when it was quite dark. They wandered in the streets in search of a dharma- shala. At last they met an old woman—a simple, pious soul. "Mother, will you pi ease point out the way to a dharma- shala ?" Ramdas asked her. "By all means, mother," she replied. "Follow me, mother, I will lead you to it." Both the sadhus followed closely at her heels. She went on speaking: "My mother Rukmini is so great, so merciful. She has assumed all forms. Everywhere I behold her. She is the man, bird, beast, stone, trees, stars, sun, moon. Oh! my mother has become all. How glorious She is! She is ever kind, kind." This was the vision of the old mother. She saw her divine Jlother manifested everywhere. They arrived at the entrance of the temple of Rukmini. Here the old mother prostrated on the floor, facing the main door and lay on the ground in a state of ecstasy for about five minutes. Then rising up she turned to Ramdas, and said : **1Tow, mother, coine along, let us proceed." After passing through many streets and by-lanes they at last came to a dharmashala in which they settled down for the night. Eanicharandas must have felt very hungry. He said he would go out into the city and get some food to satisfy his hunger. Soon he left and returned after about two hours. Early next morning they directed their steps to the Chandrabhaga river. Here Eanicharandas came out with an unexpected request. "Swamiji! I want you to initiate me formally into