67 sanayas. I would have my head shaved and clothes dyed in «jchre before having ablutions in the sacred river." Ramdas was taken by surprise at this strange propo- sition and replied: "Bam, your proposal is simply astounding. Under- stand, samiyasis not a thing ^hich another can impose on yon or initiate you into. Sannyas does not mean shaving the hend and donning orantre robes. It signifies a state of inteniiil renunciation of attachment to the transitory objects of the world. Mere change of appearance and dress is hypocrisy, if in mind and heart yon have not given yourself over to the Lord. If you feel a real mental recoil from the objects of sense and have an experience of ecstasy in the remembrance of the Lord who dwells in yon. and every- where in the world, by all means make any change you like in clothing and appearance, provided you are sure that by such a change yon are helped in your spiritual growth, sntl get fixed in your faith and conviction. Do not forget that the goal :s the vision of God. !Now your question is to be decided by yourself. Another cannot solve it for you. Rarndas can only lay bare Ms own experiences before you. He is wearing orange robes because the cloth is reminding him every time he looks at it, that he has consecrated his life in its entirety to the Lord. He belongs to none but Him who :s infinite love and bliss. So consult the voice of God within you and act.1' Earacharandas heard in silence and did not thereafter press the point. They finished ablution in the river and sat for a time ou the sands. "Swamiji," suggested Ramcharandas, *Ve should not leave this place for at least four or five days. The plight of our feet is simply deplorable. They are quite unfit just now for further exertion/' In reply Ramdas had to speak at some length on a subject on which far some time past Ram was inspiring him to enlighten Ramcharandas.