H^'ArCJLA!.! £3 the whole matter. It is for Him to see that it is carried out successfully/' The hour had been proclaimed as eleven o'clock in the morning. Nine o'clock struck. It was raining as heavily as ever. Half pust nine, quarter to ten and the rains still persisted. Now a strange thing happened. The clouds slowly dispersed. The rain stopped and the sun shone out. Within half an hour in the cloudless sky appeared the bright sun as though he belonged to summer. Exactly at eleven o'clock the food distribution commenced. Ramdas was escorted to the spot to witness the function. The sight of the vast crowd, inside and outside the compound and on the road, tlirilled his heart. The feeding went on uninter- rupted by noise or confusion. The almighty Lord ate through thousands of mouths. One of the friends counted the number of people fed ar^I f onnd them to be nearly three thousand. Food intended for a thousand sufficed for thrice the number. Having eaten their nil many people had also carried the food to their homes. If there is one co;intry in the world, where beggary and starvation hive taken hold of vast masses of the population, it is India. The remedy lies in the eradication of ignorance and selfishness from the minds and hearts of the exploiters, within and without. The case of the exploiter is in fact harder than that of the exploited. "For, he sows a karma which will bring dire retribution on himself. An inner realisation of equality, based upon a purified vision and awakening of the spirit of sacrifice through love and compassion, can alone bring peace, harmony and happiness into the world. All classes of the needy and poor were fed including the so-called untouchables. By three o'clock the serving of meals ended; all were satisfied to the last man. When the compound was free from crowds, quite an army of crows descended to the ground and cleared off the scattered