UPALAI-PAKDHARPUB-IN THE 7OV7N 115 "May I be permitted to sit by your side for a few minntes?" lie asked Kamdas* "By all means," answered Ramdas, and made room for him. He wedged himself between Ramdas and Earn- charandas. **Do advise me," he urged, "as to how I can remove the illusions of the mind and free it from the turmoil to which it is always subjected, and realize God. I am simply caught up in the attachment to wife, house, money and property. "You have diagnosed," Ramdas replied, "the disease aright and also have a clear understanding of the remedy for it. Know in the first place that the God you seek is with- in, yourself. He is the life and soul of the universe and to attain Him is the supreme purpose of life. Evil and sorrow are due to your belief that yon are separate from this universal Truth. The ego has set up this wall of separation- Have a strong and intense longing to realize Him, that is, to know that yonr life is one with the life of the universe- Then surrender up the ego by constant identification with Him through prayer, meditation and performance of all actions without desiring for their fruit. As you progress on this path, which is the path of devotion, knowledge and self-surrender, your attachment to the unrealities of life will slacken, and the illusions of the mind will be dispelled. Now yonr heart will be filled with divine love, and your vision purified and equalised, and your actions will become the spontaneous outflow of your immortal being, yielding you the experience of true joy and peace. This is the cul- mination of human endeavour and fulfilment of the pur- pose of life." "Oh, how clearly and impressively you present the Troth," exclaimed the Irani. "I wish I could have more of your society. Pray come to Secunderabad which is my place and stay with me at least for a day. My wife and relations will be so happy to see yon." 15*