CHAPTER XVI CHITRAKUT (i) A Bania's Renunciation RamkinkaT expressed a wish that Ramdas had a compa- nion to take care of him. Hearing this, a bania, who was then on. the platform, coming1 forward said: "I am also proceeding to Chitrakut. I shall be so happy to keep him company and serve him." Accordingly, side by side, the bania and Ramdas took Seats in the train. The train steamed out of the station. The bania carried a kambal and a lota. He spread the kambal on the bench and making Ramdas lie on it, massaged his feet. While doing this service he opened his mind: "Maharaj, I am disgusted with worldly life. I too would lead the life of a sadhxi. I have turned my back on a life full of cares and sorrows. Consider me as your disciple and take me under your protection/" fc"Eam]V* Ramdas replied, "there is nothing wrong with the world. It is your mind that is obsessed. So long as your mind is not intensely longing to tear up the veil of illusion that clouds the Troth within you, mere external renunciation is of no avail. It will only be a leap out of the frying pan into the fire. True happiness consists in our right attitude towards life and the world. Now right attitude depends on right vision. The vision comes through the realization of Truth or God. Do not be deceived. Yon cannot have liberation and peace by simply turning your back upon the world. Know your mind well. Freedom and joy are within you. Conquest of lust, wrath and greed is the path. Don't cling to Eamdas. He is no guru. He can only show you the path. The effort and struggle are your own* Be, therefore, the disciple of Truth." The bania's mind appeared to have been preoccupied.