154 IN THE VISION7 Or GOD " There is no fear, Ramji. They are lizards, not snakes, under the stone. They are harmless," Kamdas assured him. "Oh! v he cried, "the thing, whatever it is, crawled on my legs. What a horrible sensation I got! " *" Never mind, sleep on; there neeet into a reservoir below* made of hrick and mortar. There was also a small rest-house near the waterfall. The place is considered sacred because it is said to have been once occupied by Sri Ramchandra and Sita. From here an extensive view of the surrounding country can be had— vast plains, high hills covered with dense vegetation and the smooth running river, are all presented to the gaze of the spectator. CMtrakut is a land of sages and saints. Hundreds of sadhug are still doing penance in their small