* ."B IS THE V-SICK CF GOD *-»n his head. Hf heM in one hand ^ yogadanua or unns- r«su*r like a cr^ss, anil in the other a japa-mala of rrulraksh They sat »k>vrn. for the meal un*l asked Ramdas to join He ext'ns^d himself. Ealak Ram tried to per- the boy to fetch some milk for Ramd&s. He and saiii that be did not know where to get milk from. "Never mind," put In Rsoadas, "Ramrlas is not hungry; he will he satisfied with a tumbler of water for the night/' The mval o^er, the sadhns prepared ganja chilam an*l Riiak Kam appealed to Bamdus to share with them a &mt>kt% Here again h« declined their offer with thanks. He was? silent sin*! watchful. The ganja intoxica- tion r&adt thy sanlhas drift into strange and irrele- vant talks. Ramdat? slopped on the hill for about a fortnight and the short stay was crowded with thrilling and amusing incidents. The hill waa called Bambeshwar Pahad. Except for a sprinkling of shrubs and two or three trees, the hill was arid and rocky. So there was scarcity of \vater on Bam- bedivar Phad, "Water had to be carried np from the temple well down below. Balak Ram Paramahams was a young man aged about thirty^wu possessing u lithe and upright figure. His lower jaw and the eoiapressed lips showed determination* His eyes were tender and his face was suffused with sniles when be was riot in fits of temper, which would sweep over him aus the raging tempests, only to be followed by calmness and a clear sky. At h«aart, Ramdas could discern, he ioft and compassioaate. For lack of proper discipline iociety he had a mind riotous and uncontrolled. He had a nwil from the unreAlities of the world and his dispasfiion adaairaMe. The only method he employed to snbdne the mind wats ganja smoking, but tbt staif