70V7ARDS BJEOA-BANEA 1S1 yon/" He sn*l«lenly jumped past a rock in wler to go down the hill. BfJak Ram releasing his hold on the boy's throat ran after Ramdas and falling at his feet said: "Forgive, forgive jne; I forgot myself. I shall never harm the boy; do return. Eaonlas returned. That night also he had a plain talk with him. "You must control your temper, Ramji," Bax&das said, **a2«i nut all<>-w it to mn amok as yon did a little while ago. In your rage yon would have killed the poor boy. Ton think yon are trying to mend the ways of others while your own are not straight. Have you heard the saying: 'Physician, heal thyself*. This very appropriately applies to yon. You are recklessly Bounding the feelings of others by your vituperative speeches. Xo, you should not go on like this. People come to you to know the way of peace and what do you grre them?—-a shower of abuses. Infinite loTe dwells in your heart, but yon are submerging it in a stonn of unbridled passions—'' "Oh! do I give pain to people by my words?—howl wish I should not I I did not know I was such a tyrant. I mean always well Oh! heartless wretch that I am I" he uttered with a deep touch of remorse, and covering his eyes with both hands wept bitterly. Then he pleaded: **Show me a way to control this insane mind* At times it burns like a furnace and my head seems to be splitting. Oh! show me some way/1 *4For control of naind the best method is repetition of God's Name," advised Ramdas. "Keep the Name always on yonr tongue, talk little, have proper food* Above all, give up ganja smoking. This habit has been the ruin of yon.