BANDA—GCHK&R PAR VAT 153 rock at the base of the MIL The visitors commenced to ponr in. They demanded to see Balak Ram. Ramdas ex- pljtin£"il to them the situation as it stood. They were inncL disappointed and grumbled. He discharged the duty imposed on him: that is. on the one hand of per- ?iia»ling the visitors not to climb up the hill to see Balak Ruin and, on the other, of carrying food and water to him in ids solitary cell. One tiring lias to be noted that this part of the hill was t»ereft of water supply. There was neither a spring nor a .veil. Water had to be brought from a well nearly two miles fr«'om the cave. The kind friends Bahadur an*l Jagannath airaii{4e