' H :?I THE VISION OF GO2 inay rn»t Jive fang. Th^re is a presentiment thai it is to drop #hnrtly." "Don't y-'U say ?<«. it has yet to do great things/' she returnr-i, The period taken np by the walk was about half an hmir, after \rhieli they retraced their steps to the rilla. Th*- rnMth*T wished in her heart that he should eat meals prepared by her hands. Her silent wish strangely pr^ilnc^'l a response in him. He involuntarily requested I',?r in feed him with food cooked by herself. With the greatest delight and overflowing love, she got ready ^jiae whf ut rt ^ties f«*r him which tasted jjiiite heavenly. Another day a sepoy of Raja Sam, a kind friend, took him ifMl by a sannyasd. In the midst of a jungle he found himself in front of a lurge \vide open rock-cut cave. In it wapwatefi a young i*annyaBi, elarl in ochre-col otired clotb, dean shaven, \vithanumber of hn«.»ks scattered beside him. The kind friend whispered into Ramdas" ears: ** This is KaiTalyanand." Ramdas went np to the sannyasi prostrated before him. With a look of surprise he asked: *To whom are you this salutation ? " *kT*> Bam/" Ramdas replied. "*\ThA arf you ?"" '* Ram rlas/" **Ramdai Tiaradas* funny ain't it? There is only one Truth* Why do you assume this false duality?1" "It is Bain himself, being One, has chosen to be H* to always One: many is false, is illusion,** fceeaid. "Tmtb iuts bewme God and His tierotee for the sske of iila or |>lar,"