JULJ H; THE VISION OF GQ£ the lake were seen Europeans, in their bathing dress, rMwiiitf in pift&iire b'ia?. Mount Abu is a beautiful place, C*MJ! even a* mi*May in the summer. The sceneries and la ndscar^s^r* Drilling. The air -s Pure iin*^ refreshing. fliii The Mother's love prevailed the MlMWing day, at the morning meal, Ramdas i his ilfSire to leave the place for Wadhwan and i wherefrotn he -was receiving repeated calls^ the last :IL nrgent telegnim. mother was greatly upset by the news. She appealed him to remain for some days longer and lcH»keil to her tr th^ir suppf»rr* Tl^ey also, at her pressure, tried to * him to stay. ** Ram* laj?/' saio the motiier, kfcthe heat in Limbdi uo watlays is terrible. W^ h^ar reports that eYen birds drop ilnwn from the twejs und die <»n account of unbearable heat. Von sJhonhl i**>t p) into u fiery place from the cool height* of Abu/* "Mother/" Ramdas replied, 'Move knoxvs 110 discomfort. The people of Lhnbdi and Wailhwan are very anxious to huvf* hiia vrith them. It is their IOTP that calls him so imperatively/* "ISu, you shall not ^o, I am your mother; I would take of your frail body. It needs rest in a cool climate. Ramuns waa adamant. He left the table ami went out to the veraudab. The mother rati atfter him and vith folded hands said: "You must, RamiluB, stay with us for stt least four days moare ; don't say no. I depend upon you. Yon will oblige me so amcfc." Eanidas stopped and was silent fora tense minute. Tfee mother's «ppealin£f eyes ehange»l the side of the ^, *JUl ngfat, mother -for four days more/" said