CHAPTER XXI WADHWAE-IN THE TRAIN (i) Bala Mandir A wire ha*l been sent to Dr. Shnkla of Ramdas' coming. Dr. Shnkla, Chimibhsd, Ifaganlul, anil others met him at the "VTauhwan station- This time he stopper! at Dr- Shnkla's honse. He and his wife \vero supremely happv to see him. He spent here only four or live days. Th*: ilays hağl a crowded programme. Visitors came in large numbers to see him. They put him questions on devotion and on the efficacy of God's Name. He -was kept busy placing before them his own experiences. He said in reply to a question: "To control the mind the best and easiest method is to repeat constantly God's Xame. Concentration is attained by fixing the attention on the sound of the Name. As the mind is concentrated there must follow meditation upon the glorious attributes of God. Continuous practice of n iterance of the Name and meditation stops the restlessness of the mind and merges it into the blissful, eternal and universal Self. God-remembrance is not possible unless you have an intense longing to realise Him* This intense desire is called bhakti. This longing must so seize your mind that you should feel a sensation of acute pain when you forget God on account of selfish desires. Your actions should also go to purify your mind, i. e. they should be done in a spirit of nishkama. Purity of mind means freedom from lust, wrath and greed* For, a pure mind alone can see God. Concentration itself is purity. Forget not that the God that you seek is within yourself." One day Ramdas vas taken to the State Bala mandir where children ranging from one and half year to about four years of age received instruction. When he visited the school they had over a hundred children. As soon as he 26*