::: si THE VISION OF GO:; Ğ.*£ Ram-mantram. "When all were silently sitting, three big centipedes appeared on the scene. They were moving aboni freely. A lantern was horning in the centre of the group. One of the centipedes approached the young man whoe* name was Eamehandra Gupta* He was shrinking from it, when Ram*las askeğl him not to be afraid of it, and assure*! him that it would do no harm. One of them actually pas#*4 over the lap of Ramdas in quite a frendly manner. Shortly rafter this Ram^bandra left. (ii) Alone on a dreaded Hill Ramkixuar had specially accompanied Ramdas to Gohkar in <>rder to "arrange an ashram on those hills. He had collected nver two hundred rupees for the purpose TTgarchantl seth of Limbdi had also contributed to the fun*:. The prospect of having a kuti on those dreadful lulls did not appeal to Ramkinkar, but he could not object as Eamdas bad pitched upon the place. He gave some amount to Jagannath and instructed him in the first place to dig a tank for water. There was ait attempt made by Balak Bam, \rhen he lived there, to sink a small tank, but the work had to be given up for want of encouragement. !Now it was proposed to deepen the same pon