213 IN THE VISION OF GOD They had brought milk and eatables with which they iw him. They remained for an hour and then departed. Another day, two European missionaries came in search «f him- They could find him out on.lv with great difficulty. In. the course of their talk they emphasized the persona! aspect of God as the whole truth. Ramdas confessed hi* faith in a God who is both personal and impersonal. He added that one could not know the glory of the supreme Person without realising His impersonal aspect as well. They expressed doubt in the truth of his statement. Without pursuing the subject further, they took their lea^e and returned to the town. STovr an event occurred which caused a good deal «rf disturbance among the friends. One morning, as customary. Kail a. the cook entered the lower cave to bring out th* vessels for cooking. The vessels, a new set of which had, & short time before, been purchased for the use of the sadhos on the hill, were kept in the lower cave which had, of course, no door. All the sadhus and friends retired to the upper cave in the nights. Now Kallu discovered that the vessels had disappeared. He ran up to Ramdas in a state of alarm and said: ''M&haraj, the cooking utensils have disappeared. Somebody has stolen them away/' *4&iM)d,"' Ramdas replied quietly, "the man who took them is evidently more in need of them than we are. It Is ull right. Ram gave and Rum has taken away/' He stared at Banidas with perfect blankness when he hearJ his cool words. Immediately, leaving the hills, hentu to Hahoba au