IN THE VISION OF GOD rii Prasa'l u^zaicg t** kiiOTr of Ramdas' determina- tion sent his sw* ftulab Rai to persuade lum not to start in that weather, ftnlah Ra! fotiivl Bamdas was fixed in his resolve aa'l **onH riot be moT*.l. *fcP!vi>e v«;i:t for five minutes, I vrill return preseDtljV he r^itaest^l ao/l lisappeared. Withintiv** minutes a brand new motorcar \rasstandix;g at th* entrance f»f tlie temple. God's ways are wonderful! Rauiflas got i3iti» the ear,and funnily enough all the friends \\h" hesitateii to ^ralk with Ramdas also scrambled in— Yaijr.ath and all! (folab Rai requested Ramdas to pay a visit t'» the owner of the car TV ho TTES at that time !ai h .rase and found the patient in a state of delirium. RaanJas sat beside ids be*l and, passing bis hands tjver his head and ^ody. assured Mm that he would be all right. The people of the house <»fCered Ramdas some niilk to drink. He drank a part of it and gave the test to the patient, Then he left the house and all got into the car again. It started and as it came upon the lonely road out- side the city, it flew like wind in spite of the rugged condi- tion of the jungle road. By three o'clock the car reached the bottom of the chain of mountains called Eajghad. Alighting, the party made for the place where Balak Ram lived. They had to ascend i flight of rocky steps, over a hundred in number, before they eame to a fiat projection of the mountain "where Balak Ram had made his abode. No sooner did Balak Rain see Bamdas than he fell at his feet, weeping through excessiTe joy, and embraced him again and again. Balak Ram had been living i& t Email shed hoisted on four strong posts, about ten feet from the ground similar to the country watch-towers in the OOTO~ fields* At the edge towards the hill, vhich extended high above th* leTel of the place, VBS seen a Shivft-lioga which