"Swamiji. this lo- r^;n^ I was s<> ?sre of your coming that I 211 '.1 saaearfrii the 'iisMe of this cave \srith cow-dang so tint 3V3 migrtf ».eonpyit," saH Balak Ram, and added, *fcl b*-jc, SwaiLiji, that yon stir -with me for some days." "Xo.Rjtm. that canti"t be." replied Uarndas; *Vou see a?.' many £r:*E«ts hav? come \vith. Barn-las to take him k, and the m.jt'ne \rith me. After a f evr days I shall arrange for a motor-car for yon to go/' He appealed, wept am! fell at Ram>iag~ feet. Th?ii Rim'las t -Ad him that he would stay on certaia c-'>nilitinL5, und if ^ny one of tliem was broken, he would go. "I sn,i!l see tLat yrur conditions are faithfully fulfilled r»n my part," lie promise!. "S^v the eoiiditioiis are : Sf> Irmg as Ramdas is with , he vili not leave this elevated place. Second: he will the care in the nights. Third: he will live merely on water driiak. Fourth: he will observe the vow of silence. Do you agree ?* Ramdas stipulated. He gladly accepted the conditions because he believed that 1»y RamJas' tapasya his cvn uncontrolled mind would attaiu peace. Till late in the night the talk -went on. They bad rest £<»r only two or three hours in the morning. Ram