:SE IK THE V:S:CN cr GOD te jgnrprigc'*] tc hear him say so. Ramdas would only laagh. All :he same th* fever persisted. "The i#verr?frcs&s to leave,'" Ramuas observed, ''because y«>u hav* matte iim a welcome guest by feeding Mm \rith tin* things. Tie small quantity of the litter medicine has no e3>et *m fever while he is well served vdth tasty sweets inn! other kinds i/f fuod three or four times a day! So long as yon &e«l an undesirable guest he will certainly stick »>n. But the moment you starve him he will without your bidding make himself scarce. So allow Raindas to go on a fast f»>r some days- He will live merely on milk."" At first the jQvtTig pal? objected to the proposal, but at last yielded. A f«.tnr days* fast an*l the fever-guest toot to his heels. Invitations cazne froic the Sholapnr District, but God willed thai Ram-las shor.M proceed tu Mangalore. So he ami Rameliarai^las l>)a?de