1 v_/r •jrwi-* v. ht*re. they La»l heard, the yogi stayed. They complained »-»ngh, lessor memory, wasting disease and what not! This storm cooled down the ardour of the i. Hi? stepped urging his pet method and also giving- icstr^tii.r.? relating to pranayaraa. ''iij Qualities of a Sadhu A •'«•;;: il::s rime aiiuther saanyasi turned sp. He ^r^r^i the honse, anu seeing sume plantains in a crip.h»ard helped himself to ihezn, and then coming to R^ia'ias, said: "I "u'aiit a rath; get me snme hot water ready, at once." X» AV th^re was no arrangement in the house for beating vuter. Ruiiidas and the yogi used to have cold baths* haiQ'ias maiie him aware of the situation. "Xu pxcnses," he sweated, ttohot water, quick. I haye ha*: n*.» cat if or several days* YOT& see, I insist oix having it her*? undraw." There iva* an earthen water-pot. The yogi quietly d it oa three stones which he fetched from the com- ^ anil \vitk dry eocoanut branches lit a fire and the water was heated. Ramdas and the yogi then gave him a huh. The yogi \vashed his dirty clothes. The whole thing v/as perf or3oie«l by both in the best of humour. After bath ne commanded: "Where is the meal? I am hungry." The Diesis for Ramilas and the yogi need to come from the city at twelve midday. The time then was ten o'clock. He was toldalxrat the time of meals. Ramdas was prepared to forego his meal for the sannyasi for that day. So he asked the friend to \vait till the meals arrived. *'I cannot wait,"' he said, "I arn going out. I will try to £fet food some where in the town/" Saying this, he walked away* At twelve the meals arrived. Ramdas proposed to the yogi to wait for some time, as there was a chance of the turning op* They waited for nearly half-an-honr