fc;.T tLe £aiinya>: *li«l noi p::t I^ian app^rsiv v. T:> raja y^;: nu^fcVfte*i that they migiit fcJsh ti> r^^ai.* f • t^t tL»- car-ier rci^ht not v;ak fur ;h^ v^sels Y«rjy I* i «:. ar.«l ada* ! mat the sadhc might ha\e pr^e^re.l io< I in 10 city. £• r.v^y tc nk their feud. Jn?t after the meal ^a« over and rL*? vf-^sr!.-? T^rt- clf-iiii€-«l. the sannyusl filtered ti>l'.. ii£^* v;I:l; ha?tyaij.'.' ^pri* vtej^ a:vi uirectly v.-nj^t TO tli^ r*.«. 21 v»L^r-r ih*j tuL^i-r V;L^ serve*;, and tnert h^ f^in-L i/'thli.g rr.t ii in =t tuijtu^^iija; iiit*-r-tiinner smell t^f !'«>-»!, a: vrhicL i.e s:^iil'-.,. "Wliere is fc« i*i for mer" :ie cavleu oi:t. He gave ^i;ek a furious sture at RtiLiiIs? iLat :f Lr ^ML!*] fwallo"»v up SamJcts by hi? gaze lie wnl « ef-r:&:iily ].;^^- dcii«=* so that instaiir. "Fine fellows!—yon Lave eaten eTerytLirig aii^l l^it nothing for me?" ne spfjke with Ydtherlng se« rn. **Yon tf^o shall have yi-nr meal, sivaiiil, H:t tl/ee p):i *i:d not come In iiuief you will have to %vair ariMther l.alf- aii-iionr,"" Raniiias replied. He tlien InstnicTeii the meal carrier to run at niiee to a eertapi frieivF? h*.i7a*^ and f-rteh is nut saiisHed will: mere food. He also wants money. We pcor people cannut afford to meet Ms demands. Further he tkre«it€jus to hurl curses at us. We do noi set miicli value OB Ms curses, "but Ms behaviour is quite intolerable. "We would ha^e dealt with Mm IB a drastic manner, but we respect the colour «»f ihe cloth be wears."