252 IN THE VISION OF GOD The following day a lecture by Sanjivarao was announced to the public. The local Y. M. 0. A. building was the appointed place for its delivery. A resident missionary was in the chair. There was a crowded audience Next morning, Ramdas, of course in the company of Sanjivarao, visited the Christian High School. The Princi- pal, clad in khadi, offered Ramdas a #lad welcome and arranged for a speech to the students by Ramdas. The latter spoke in English on "God is Love" as revealed in the teachings of Jesus Christ for half-an-hom*. The Principal interpreted the same in Malayalam to the assembled •students, In the evening there was another lecture by Sanjiva- rao at the Y. M. 0. A. At the pressure of the friends, Ramdas spoke for about fifteen minutes before the regular speaker took the platform. Ramdas dealt with the unity of religions and pointed out that in their teachings all the great incarnations of the world of different ages perfectly agreed. Next followed the speech of Sanjivarao. This time there was no president. The president was God Almighty who was seated in the hearts of the speakers and the audience themselves. After a couple of days they returned to Ernakulam. Now Ramdas got the idea of visiting the ensuing Kumbha- mela of Hardwar. The prospect of seeing the Himalayas again made him quite enthusiastic. But before proceeding towards the north, he left Ernakulam with the intention of paying a visit to Kanara.