268 IN THE VISION OF GOD of the friend towards the yawning mouth of the cave at some distance. Now Ramdas could not resist; he rushed in the direction like wind leaving the friends behind. At the entrance of the cave he found standing a tall thin sadhu, wearing only a kaupin. Ramdas had been told by the friends, who guided him, that the cave was occupied by a mahatrna. Directly he saw the sadhu, he ran towards him and prostrated at his feet. The sadhu did not seem to like this mode of salutation. He remonstrated by the gesture of his hands. He entered the cave and Ramdas followed him. It was a large and spacious cave about ten feet high and fifteen feet wide and twenty feet long. As Ramdas stepped in he observed at the left-hand corner a number of tins arranged in a line. The floor was covered at the front by two gunny bags and by a wide, white quilt at the further end which served as the sadhu's seat. In the centre of the cave there was a small fire-place or dhuni. At the mouth of the cave, on the right, there was a neatly stacked pile of firewood. Ramdas sat down on one of the gunny bags and the sadlm occupied his seat. By this time the friends who guided him also arrived. They remained for a few minutes and then taking leave departed. Ram after all brought His child to the ashram.