270 IN THE VISION OF GOD it will absorb most of tLo day, and at that rate it would not be worth your while .to stay 'here; So: I would advise you to leave this place as early as possible. What are your plans? How long do you intend staying- here?" he questioned. ''Ramdas has no plans," he replied. "He does not know how long Ram wishes him to stop here. All depends upon Him. As regards food, Raindas is averse to taking solid food at any place where he wants to devote all his time to God, in wakef ulness and meditation. Since God has granted him the staying power, even on water for some days, he would prefer not to climb the hill in search of food.", The sadhu was roused by this reply. Intently gazing on Ramdas,. he said derisively : 4tEnough of yonr gab. I have known many sadhus of your type who speak glibly of water-fast, but could not observe it for a single day. None of your bragging to me." Ramdas could clearly see that Ram was at His old game again. "Well, you say," he went on, "you would not take solid food, that means you are for liquids, eh!" "Quite so, water only or milk if Ram provides," quietly rejoined Ramdas. The sadhu burst out: "Ah! there you are. Now the cat is out of the bag." Now bending himself towards Ramdas and pointing his long fore-finger at him, with looks full of contempt and words tinged with sarcasm, he spoke: "Have you come here to share a part of my daily drink of milk and starve me to death; is that what you mean ?" Ram, what a, consummate actor you are! As is the master so is the servant. Ramdas, who learnt all this art at yoiir feet, can meet you on your own ground. The play was now assuming a beautiful turn. Ramdas coolly replied: "Ramji, it is far from Ramdas' wisih;to;havjB any share of your milk. If Ram, who.is all love,, provides, he would have milk, but, if He.chpogeB not