NILKANT HILL . 301 cleared of the small shrubs and thorny plants. A lota of water was procured from the spring for drinking purposes. The night was cold but the fire kept them warm. Ramdas acquainted Ramcharandas with what they should do on the morrow. "Ram, tomorrow let us cut down some trees by the help of the hatchet and erect a small hut to accommodate us and spend some quiet days here." Ramcharandas agreed. The night was passed almost in a wakeful condition. From early morning next day, they grew busy in the erection of the proposed hut. Ramdas did the digging of the ground to make it level, and Ramcharan- das went about to cut down the short trees for obtaining suitable posts for the shed. They toiled till midday. Ramcharandas prepared, at the small stream, a few roties and dal with which they satisfied their hunger and again applied themselves to the work in hand. They made mar- vellous progress in the construction of the needed hut. About three o'clock a shepherd of the hills came in that direction with his herd of sheep. Seeing these sadhus he approached and questioned them as to what they were doing. Ramdas made him understand the object of their labour. "Maharaj," he said, "why all this unnecessary toil? There is a cave close by, most suitable for your occupation. Some time ago a sadhu was living in it. It is now vacant; you can reside in it instead of taking all this trouble. It is on the edge of a stream of pure crystal water. Ramdas jumped at the idea and asked him: "Can yon lead us to the cave ?" "Come along," he said, "I can take you to it instantly." Turning to Ramcharandas Ramdas said: "Throw up this work; let us follow him." Ramcharandas looked amazed at the whimsical com- mand of Ramdas, but submitted, as ho had done many a time before.