338 IN THE VISION OF GOD stands. A sadhu is in constant attendance in the temple during the day-time. At the top of the temple dome and all round, at the lower ground level, are installed electric flash-lights with huge reflectors. These are said to be a gift made by the Maharaja of Mysore during his visit to Srinagar. In the night, oven from long distances from the valley below, these lights illumine the locution and struc- ture of the temple. The great Vedantin, Sri Shankaracharya, "when he visited Kashmir in his parivrajak or itinerant life, is said to have made his stay on this hill, and it was at bis initi- ative that the temple of Shiva was tirst established on the hill. Hence to this day the hill is called after his name. The pandits have a story in connection -with Sri Shanlair- acharya's visit. Sri Shankaracharya and his disciples took their abode on the top of this hill for several days, and none of the pandits of Srinagar went up to seo them and accorded them hospitality. So the sago and his disciples had to go without food and water. After some days a few pandits paid a vist to him on the hill. Now the sage observed: " We have been starving here for many days and you, great and learned as you are, did not think it fit to offer us the hospitality which the shastras enjoin on every human being as his or her dharma." To this the pandits replied: "The fault is not ours. We would certainly welcome and treat with respect and kindness those guests who would visit our city, but since you have chosen to occupy a hill, faar away from the city, avoiding and renouncing the life of the world, in which also the Lord's power and glory are manifest, we are justified in our attitude towards you and your disciples, As regards your starvation, you need not have undergone it if yoxt had possessed the yogic power by the exercise of which you. could have provided yourself with all that you needed."