346 IN THE VISION OF GOD the house had to take him bade to Janakinath's whore he was welcomed by all in the household with manifest delight. About this time lie received a letter from mother Elizabeth written at the instance of Raja Ram, the Thakore Saheb of Limbdi. Raja Ram offered to furnish him with a note of introduction to the Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, if he felt an inclination to see him. Ramdas replied that Ram did not prompt him from within to go in for a darshan of the Maharaja, but might agree in the matter, if the- Maharaja himself had expressed a desiro to soe him. So he asked Ruja Ram to correspond with the Maharaja and know his mind. He had nothing*to gain by seeing anybody. He was controlled and guided by Ram in all things. As the matter was dropped nothing further came of it. (iii) The mysterious ways of God Ramdas1 stay in Srinagar by this time had extended over two 'months and the coveted pilgrimage to Amarnatli was fast approaching. Janakinath argued with Ramdas a great deal and made an attempt to dissuade him from the proposed pilgrimage. He expatiated on the severity of the cold in that region and the difficult ascents on the hills that led up to it. But Ramdas was determined. Ramcharandas now suddenly turned up. He was very emaciated and his feet were worn out and full of blisters. Since they separated near Pathankoto in the Punjab, L,e said that he had to undergo most dreadful trials and hard- ships. What with the cold, continuous tramping on foot and often starvation, he had been reduced to a terrible plight. With perfect rest, ad^edl to the tender care and mttsing of the loving daughters of Janakinath, he soon be- came his old self. Jn the company of mother Taravati, wife of Janakinath and her small children, Ranadas and Ramcharandas went