356 IN THE VISION OF GOD woollen cap which he was wearing off and on, the woollen jacket and the bit of khaddar cloth, ho had no other dress. He liked to have the body light so that he could freely run on the hills. As Ramdas ascended higher and higher he viewed a most beautiful natural scenery that filled him with rapturous delight. The ground was now all along carpeted with short plants and grass, bearing multi-coloured blooms as though fresh blossoms were sprinkled and strewn all the way for a festive occasion. The next stage of their halt was Vavjin. A few miles beyond Phelgaon there is a place called Nilganga where the pilgrims consider it holy to have a bath in the river. The water of the river was very cold. Ramdas going up to the brink of the river, where a crowd of pilgrims had assembled for bath, divested himself of his clothing, and with a bare kaupin on jumped into the river near its bank and had three dips. When he came out of the water his body was benumbed and stiff with cold. The pandits who accom- panied him rubbed his body briskly with a woollen napkin and dressed him again, and made him drink a cup of hot tea which they were carrying in a thermos-flask. Onward ran Ramdas followed by the pandits, and by evening arrived at the high plateau of Vavjin. Vavjin, in other words, Yayu Jin, that is Jinnee of the hurricane, is a place where furious blasts of icy cold winds are blowing at all times, often accompanied by rain. The spot is therefore wet and chilly. Pilgrims with sparse warm clothing suffered intensely from the cold here. Here the first pandit escort invited RamdaB to his tent for dinner, where he met an elderly man, an Inspector of schools, in whose company Ramdas ascended a hill on the plateau. The Inspector left Ramdas half way up and climbed down, as the chill breezes were too much for him. Moreover, it began to rain. Ramdas and Ramcharandas scaled the summit of the hill and descended before dark.