404 IN THE VISION OF GOD The minister looked round and discovered fruits on the trees. Climbing up a tree he plucked a few ripe fruits and presented them to the king. The king in his haste to eat the fruit, while cutting it wit.li a penknife, chopped off a bit of his finger. With a cry of pain hu dropped both the fruit and the knife, his injured finger streaming with blood. " Ho!" he cried out, " how it pains—0, minister." "God does everything 'Cor the best/1 put in tho minister quietly. These words tended only U> rouBO the already petulant king. He flew into a rage and cried out: *4Fool, truce to your philosophy! 1 have had enough of it. While I am suffering from excruciating agony the only consolation yon can tender is: 'God docfl everything for the best1. How can this be for tho host when my pain is intense and real! Avaunt, T will have nothing of you in future. Get out of my sight, and novev show mo youv face again." The king could not control himself aud rising up kicked the minister furiously and commanded him to take himself off at once. While tho minister was leaving the king, he calmly reiterated : " God doew every thing for the best." Now the king was left alone. Ho tore a strip of his garment and bandaged his injured finger and was given to sad reflections, when two stalwart men wove soon approach- ing him. They instantly foil on the king and bound him hand and foot. Struggle or resistance wan utterly useless, as the men were sturdy giants in build. The frightened king now askod: " What are you going to do with me?" They replied: " We want you to be sacrificed at the altar of our goddess Kali. It is the custom to offer to her a human sacrifice once a year. The time has arrived for it and we were on the look out for a human being and wo are fortunate in having found you." These words of his captors thoroughly alarmed the