412 IN THE VISION OF GOD whilst all the congregated people were standing and the saint was performing the puja in all eclat. The puja over, the saint without caring even to look at Ramdas, retired te an inner room of the house as a mark of displeasure at the apparently insulting behaviour of Ramdas. In fact, Prom Singh had unwittingly made him sit on the gadi or asan of the saint who must have surely boiled and fumed at Ramdas1 gross insolence. But Ramdas was unconcerned ami iudiflCorcnt. Next, to make reparation for the lapse and scenting unpleasant- ness, Prem Singh, preparing another scat by the side of Ramdas, requested the saint to como out and#raco it, which he however did with manifest reluctance. Then garlanding both, he saluted them. The saint was not yet pacified. The saint asked Ramdas who hid guru was to which Ramdas replied "Ramdas' guru is residing in his own heart and in the hearts of all." At this the saint sniffed contemptuously and left his seat. In the evening, as usual, in the programme of the saint there was reading of Dasbodh, the well-known work of Saint Samarth Ramdas, the eminent guru of Shivaji of historic fame. In the course of bis discourse tho saint levelled at first veiled sarcasms at Ramdas and at last broke out into the peroration: "Nowadays, it ifl common for any man in the street to don the sannyasi robe, peso himself as guru and travel from place to place for collecting disciples. Of this type you have one in tho person of tho gadhu sitting here," and he pointed his finger directly at Ramclns. Ramdas could only smilo at the invective. After his pravachan was over, Maruti, tho lad, WHB called upon to jgpeak on the oft-quoted and sublime si oka of tho Gita: !'8arl'vadharman parityajya" etc....."abandoning all come to Me alone for shelter, grieve not, I shall %e from al1 SIB*." The boy delivered himself in a tothless outflow tor about half-an-honr. Lastly tho *gaint asked Ramdas to speak a few words in Hindi.